n.— «I’ve also coined “fanon” to mean “fan canon”…it’s yours, if you want it.» —“that nail in my grave” by Emily Salzfass Usenet: alt.startrek.creative.erotica.moderated Apr. 1, 1998. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)
n.— «I’ve also coined “fanon” to mean “fan canon”…it’s yours, if you want it.» —“that nail in my grave” by Emily Salzfass Usenet: alt.startrek.creative.erotica.moderated Apr. 1, 1998. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)
Have you ever googled your own name and found someone else who goes by the very same moniker? There’s a word for that: googleganger. Plus, the language of hobbyists and enthusiasts: If you’re a beekeeper, perhaps you call yourself a...
Sean in New York City is curious about the expression the business end, as in the business end of a gun. It’s simply “the end of an object that fulfills its function or purpose,” such as the business end of a shovel, the business...