
Awww Big Square

You Did It!

Happy new year and welcome to another A Way with Words newsletter! As you might have guessed by the subject line, you helped the show reach its fundraising goal of $25,000 — and you beat it! Thank you so much for your generosity and your vote of...

Awww Big Square

Help A Way with Words cover costs!

We’re almost finished! We’re in the three-day final stretch of our 2011 campaign to support some of our necessary fixed costs. Read about it here. Can you help? Give a tax-deductible donation now! You can also send your donations by...

Awww Big Square

Coursers They Came

Sweet baby reindeer! It’s almost Christmas and we’ve got a lot of wrapping to do. Last weekend’s episode is live online and in iTunes. In it, we shared quotations about writing, talked about whether “ladies” is...

Awww Big Square

Exciting update: Matching funds now available!

Exciting possibilities: Until Thursday, December 15th, at 7 p.m., the San Diego Foundation will match, on a pro-rated basis, donations made to A Way with Words. They’ll add their money to yours at no extra cost to you. This is an unusual...

Awww Big Square

You Want Vocal Fry With That?

Hellooooo, nurse! We have two recent brand-new episodes to share, plus some language news, along with a bit about what’s going on with us. First, on the show this past weekend we talked about eponyms, jo-jo potatoes, dog breed mashups, the...