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 adj.— «Have there been instances where you find —double dead meat— in the slaughterhouse? (Double dead is when an animal is already dead when brought to the slaughterhouse and the meat inspector has to pronounce that it will be slaughtered.)» —“MTID Discussion Paper No. 59″ by Agnes Rola, et al. in Philippines International Food Policy Research Institute (Washington, D.C.) Apr., 2003. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Smack Dab (episode #1652)

A flashlight emits a steady beam of light. So what’s the flash part of that word about? Also, if you’re a nervous Nellie, you’re skittish and indecisive—both characteristics of an American politician who earned that nickname in the...

Mudlarking (episode #1561)

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