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 v.— «The term “DK” is “Don’t know” in trader parlance. To DK a trade is to deny it ever existed. The credit default issue seems to be spawning a lot of fear about who really owns the hot potato.» —“You don’t DK a swap you traded” by tjlord Daily Kos Feb. 18, 2008. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Sun trees - Baby's Breath (episode #1545)

Baby’s Breath (episode #1545)

Have you ever googled your own name and found someone else who goes by the very same moniker? There’s a word for that: googleganger. Plus, the language of hobbyists and enthusiasts: If you’re a beekeeper, perhaps you call yourself a...

Touch Grass (episode #1602)

High school students in Alabama share some favorite slang terms. If someone tells you to touch grass, they’re telling you to get a reality check — but the last thing you’d actually want to touch is dog water! Also, the history of the...