Discussion Forum (Archived)
Jackie, truth be told, some of the astronomers in my area have succeeded with a "wrist rocket" slingshot. Apparently the practice is quite common in the astronomy community. The pros at the major observatories in AZ have enough political clout (pro astronomy brings millions of $ into the state) and they can get nearby towns to enforce more strict lighting codes. Amateurs need to resort to less civilized solutions.
Interestingly, the local electric utility must have gotten the word somehow, and will install, on request, special streetlight shields that direct the light onto the street, where it belongs, and not toward adjacent residences. Now there's an (un)enlightened policy for you.
Since this is WWW, and not an astronomy forum, I figured I had to throw in at least a pun.
Who was it that said (and I'm probably paraphrasing) "A pun is the lowest form of humor, unless you thought of it first."?
Jackie said
I grew up in western Pennsylvania. I use both shut off and turn off, when it comes to the lights. I had a friend who grew up in Pennsylvania Dutch country who would say, "Outen the lights."
In barracks (and on some small islands with generators that do not run all night), there is "Lights out". It is a warning to those not in control of the lights and also a time, as in "Lights out is 9:30 pm."
Martha Barnette
Grant Barrett
Grant Barrett
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