Discussion Forum (Archived)
In our latest episode, we discuss why "he's seen the elephant" means "he's been in combat." Also, a look at idioms, like the Spanish one that translates as "your bowtie is whistling." And what names do you use for your grandparents? Meemaw? Papaw? Something else? Listen:
"Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, you're a mile away and you have his shoes." Thanks to Tim in Seattle who emailed us that paraprosdokian.
Missed our show on paraprosdokians? It's here:
We note with sadness the recent passing of the great Southern writer Reynolds Price. He died last week at the age of 77. The New York Times obit is worth a read:
An appreciation of Price, plus some of his own helpful writing tips, from one of Price's former students:
Boston Globe columnist Jan Freeman celebrates the new online OED (available free until Feb. 5!) and ponders whether the term "would-be assassin" makes sense.
(That link to her column should work, but note that if you return to it later, you'll get a registration page.)
BEHIND THE SCENES: In an upcoming episode, we'll discuss the "incorrections" that sometimes result when a smartphone "corrects" text messages.
One listener told us his phone changed the Maurice Sendak title to "Where the Wild Thongs Are." We'd love to hear about more examples of not-so-smartphones.
Send them to words@waywordradio.org, and yours might end up on the air!
Have a great week,
Martha and Grant
Co-hosts of "A Way with Words"
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Martha Barnette
Grant Barrett
Grant Barrett
1 Guest(s)