
The Double-Tongued Dictionary (formerly Double-Tongued Word Wrester) was originally a web lexicon of new words and fringe English compiled and edited by A Way with Words co-host Grant Barrett and volunteers since 2004. In 2012, the dictionary was merged with this website. It is still being updated with newly found words and expressions from all corners of English. Read about the merger, including more information about the dictionary’s contents. Entries may include obscene language or adult themes. Search the dictionary.

Tiles On Wood


stopper  n.— «Unlike many other public and private parks, Washington Square’s new granite benches do not have skate deterrents, or “stoppers”—small metal ribs attached to the stone that prevent what are known as “grinds,” in which...

White Tiles

county store

county store  n.— «Whelan said the county appropriated but never spent $30,000 from its 2009 budget for setting up a “county store,” a term for a multipurpose government office in a public place like a mall.» —“Plan would...

Tiles On Wood

split roll

split roll  n.— «“The whole system is completely unenforceable,” says Lenny Goldberg, a Sacramento lobbyist who, as director of the California Tax Reform Assn., has been pressing for years to institute a “split roll”—that...

White Tiles


horredy  n.— «I’m sure the “norms” probably see horror comedies (or as I like to call them, “horredies”) as vulgar and offensive.» —“Movie Review: Jennifer’s Body (2009)” by Aubrey Ward Firefox News Sept...

Tiles On Wood

sneak and peek

sneak and peek  attrib.— «Senator Russ Feingold disclosed figures showing the Justice Department used PATRIOT Act authority to request hundreds of so-called “sneak and peek” warrants authorizing secret break-ins into US homes and...

Scrabble Tiles 1

free look period

free look period  n.— «State laws also have what is called a “free look” period, usually from 10-30 days, during which an annuity can be returned for a full refund with no strings attached.» —“Is An Annuity Right For You...