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 n.— «While the web browser is a key delivery mechanism for Moonlight and Silverlight, De Icaza is also excited about the possibilities for the desktop as well. Similar to the way that Adobe AIR bring Flash applications to the desktop, De Icaza’s Moonlight team is working on something called “desklets” that would bring Silverlight applications to the desktop.» —“Linux Clone of Microsoft’s Silverlight in Beta” by Sean Michael Kerner InternetNews Dec. 2, 2008. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

The Last Straw (episode #1486)

In this episode, books for word lovers, from a collection of curious words to some fun with Farsi. • Some people yell “Geronimo!” when they jump out of an airplane, but why? • We call something that heats air a heater, so why do we call...

Why Do We Call it Air Conditioning?

Why do we use the term air conditioner to refer a machine for cooling air, when we use the word heater to describe a mechanism for heating air? The term air conditioning was borrowed from the textile industry, where it referred to filtering and...