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 n.— «The decision on who joins the high-profile partnership “club” is made by the bank’s senior management team, led by Mr Blankfein and co-presidents Gary Cohn and Jon Winkelried, through extensive discussions until a consensus is reached. The names are then checked by senior people from other divisions in a procedure known as “cross-roughing.”» —“Goldman Sachs adds fewest partners to elite pool since last recession” by James Quinn Telegraph (London, United Kingdom) Oct. 29, 2008. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Hit ’Em With the Cardboard Oh-Ah and Dah-Dah

The cardboard cylinder left after the last sheet of toilet, tissue, or wrapping paper comes off the roll has inspired families to make up a lot of names for the tube or the sounds you can make with it. These include oh-ah, oh-ah, drit-drit, dah-dah...

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