creeping crud
n.— «“Jungle rot,” “New Guinea crud” or “the creeping crud” are U.S. servicemen’s names for any & every kind of tropical skin disease.» —“Jungle Rot” Time Aug. 13, 1945. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)
creeping crud
n.— «“Jungle rot,” “New Guinea crud” or “the creeping crud” are U.S. servicemen’s names for any & every kind of tropical skin disease.» —“Jungle Rot” Time Aug. 13, 1945. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)
The adjectives canine and feline refer to dogs and cats. But how does English address other groups of animals? Plus, cabin fever has been around much longer than the current pandemic. That restless, antsy, stir-crazy feeling goes back to the days...
Samantha from Charleston, South Carolina, says her mother and grandmother are of Italian heritage, and have always advised keeping one’s neck warm as a precaution against the mal aria. That sort of consigli della nonna, or...