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 n.— «The Scientific Games Corporation, which dominates the scratch-off market and counts states like Texas and Massachusetts as clients, advises lottery managers to increase jackpots to lure players.…“But like any ‘tool,’ an increased payout is only useful when used in the right way,” the report cautions. Describing what it calls “chatter,” or midsize prizes, Scientific Games concludes, “Better to increase the number of chatter prizes in a game aimed at heavy players so that they see more of the prizes they are playing for and will communicate their excitement to others, creating a buzz for the game.”» —“The $50 Ticket: A Lottery Boon Raises Concern” by Nelson D. Schwartz New York Times Dec. 27, 2007. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Afflicted by Honkus Bonkus of the Konkus

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