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These are discrete parts, or segments, of whole episodes.

Fly Over Daisies and Settle on a Cow Pile

In Appalachia, if you ignore better choices before choosing a lesser one, such as a mate, you might be said to fly all over a daisy field and settle on a cow pile or flit like a butterfly from flower to flower and land on a cow crap. This is part of...

Spell Someone Off

Sylvia in Bismarck, North Dakota, has fond memories of churning homemade ice cream with her family. When one family member offers to take over the task from another, they might say Want me to spell you? or Want me to spell you off? Both these...

Dead Pool and Death Pool

The character of Deadpool Marvel Comics and movie fame takes his name from the term dead pool, originally death pool — originally a sum of money put aside for the family of someone who died in a high-risk race such as car racing, then later...