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 n.— Â«The government has built 351 prefabricated homes in Nitzan. The “caravillot,” an invented Hebrew word combining caravan and villa, range in size from 60 square meters (646 square feet) to 150 square meters (1,615 square feet) for the largest families.» â€”“Gaza Settlers Protest Government Housing From Hotels and Tents” by Janine Zacharia Bloomberg Aug. 29, 2005. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Canyondechelly - Singing Sand (episode #1546)

Singing Sand (episode #1546)

Cat hair may be something you brush off, but cat hair is also a slang term that means “money.” In the same way, cat beer isn’t alcoholic — some people use cat beer as a joking term for “milk.” And imagine walking on a...

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