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 n.— «Marilyn Frano, Weymouth’s substance abuse prevention coordinator, said she came up with the idea after she heard that Weymouth High School athletes were asked to collect change—a practice known as “canning”—outside liquor stores on Super Bowl Sunday to take advantage the high volume of business on that day.» —“Weymouth schools looking at fundraising in front of liquor stores” by Jack Encarnacao in Weymouth Patriot Ledger (Quincy, Massachusetts) Apr. 1, 2009. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

UFOs: Saucer-Like and Super-Heated

After our conversation about wishing well eggs, a listener from Viroqua, Wisconsin, chimes in with another name for this egg-in-toast dish: UFOs, short for Unidentified Frying Objects. This is part of a complete episode.


Goody Two-Shoes (episode #1543)

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