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 adv.— «The most important qualifier in the Montpelier dialect (or MD as we shall now refer to it as) is ‘busters’. It can be added to almost any word or sentence, thusly; Person A: “I’m skint* Person B: “You’re skint? I’m skint busters.” ‘Busters’ is a magnifier, but exclusively a negative one. So something that is good, if ‘busters’ is appended, becomes very bad. In this case the original word is commonly omitted, e.g.; Person A: “I’m hungry, Maccy Dees?” Person B: “Busters.”» —“How to speak Bristolian” by Red Squirrel Passably Content (Bristol, United Kingdom) Jan. 29, 2009. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

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