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 n.— «The exhibit travels the Midwest in a renovate school bus, affectionately known as the “buseum.”» —“Traveling World War II exhibit to stop in Massillon on Thursday” in Massillon The Repository (Canton, Ohio) Apr. 29, 2008. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Honkus Bonkus (episode #1649)

The phrase old as Methuselah describes someone quite advanced in years. In ancient scripture, Methuselah was a man who somehow lived to the ripe old age of 969. Plus, a heartwarming book for children tells the story of how a Puerto Rican family...

Navel-Gazing (episode #1549)

In 1971, when a new public library opened in Troy, Michigan, famous authors and artists were invited to write letters to the city’s youngest readers, extolling the many benefits of libraries. One of the loveliest was from E.B. White, author of...