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 adj.— «Andrea Simon, 31, of the Northeastside, is the daughter of a black mother and a white, Jewish father. “What I call myself is a “blue,” for black and Jew,” said Simon, the owner of a marketing firm.» —“In loving color” by Courtenay Edelhart Indianapolis Star (Indiana) June 18, 2007. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

As Old as Methuselah

Chad in Hilliard, Florida, wonders about the expression old as Methuselah, meaning “extremely advanced in years.” The phrase references Methuselah, a figure in Jewish, Islamic, and Christian tradition said to be 969 years old when he...

Afflicted by Honkus Bonkus of the Konkus

Aubrey in Waco, Texas, says her mother used to warn the kids against contracting honkus of the bonkus, a fanciful name for a contagious disease. This colloquial term probably comes from the words bonk and konk, meaning “to hit” or...

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