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 n.— «“For anything with sea views we tend to go for sealed bids. They can go as much as £100,000 over the top although £25,000 is more usual.” This is occurring in an area where, says an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) study, 40% of households have an annual income of under £20,000.» —“Clampdown-on-sea” by Marion Welham Times (London, England) Nov. 5, 2006. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Ring-Tailed Tooter (episode #1563)

National Book Award winner Barry Lopez had wise advice for young writers. First, read widely and follow your curiosity. Second, travel or learn a foreign language. And third, find out what you truly believe, because if you’re not writing from...

To Joner Like Jonah

To joner means to “bring bad luck to” or “jinx.” This term is a corruption of the name Jonah, the biblical figure who initially resisted a divine command. His presence on board a ship supposedly caused a great storm at sea...