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angel lust

angel lust
 n.— «A death erection (sometimes referred to as “angel lust”) is a post-mortem erection which occurs when a male individual dies vertically or face-down—the cadaver remaining in this position.» —“Top Ten 10 Craziest Science Stuff You Didn’t Know” Sigmund, Carl and Alfred Feb. 19, 2008. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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Further reading

Tribble Trouble (episode #1564)

In Cockney rhyming slang, apples and pears is a synonym for “stairs,” and dustbin lids means kids. Plus, sniglets are clever coinages for things we don’t already have words for. Any guesses what incogsneeto means? It’s the...

Navel-Gazing (episode #1549)

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