Home » Wrath



wrath  n.— «“I started to get real uncomfortable sitting in that ‘wrath,’” Grant Wilson, another TAPS member, said in the season premiere, using a term for a fairy domain, in this case essentially a current of bad vibes in an Irish field...


hoofball  n.— «Please let’s stop Norwich losing it’s long and proud tradition “playing the passing game” to the hoofball that seems to be the favoured tactic of the current incumbent/incompetent.» —“Worthington...


caging  n.— «The GOP’s announced plan to block 35,000 voters in Ohio ran up against the wrath of federal judges; so, in Florida, what appear to be similar plans had been kept under wraps until the discovery of documents called...


 n.— «(article title)» —“Letter to a Gun-Grabber: The Wrath To Come” by Victor Milan The Libertarian Enterprise Dec. 1, 1996. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)