wrap rage n.— «Doyle has no solid statistics on injuries caused by our hassles with packaging, but they do exist in England. One study there shows that “wrap rage,” as it is called by the Brits, has been the cause of more than...
spadia n.— «About 15 years ago, in response to advertiser requests, comic section printers began using the smaller sheet of newsprint to wrap around the comics section. In the newspaper business this sheet is known as a spadia or gatefold...
spadia n.— «A lucky smattering of folks who picked up The New York Times on Monday were treated to a spadia—a strip just wider than a column, overlapping the front page, that announced the day’s highlights… As it happens, the...
dally n.— «The reatas were from fifty to seventy feet long and the cattle were snared at long range. They took the dallies then just like the California cow punchers do to this day. (To dally means to wrap the reatta around the saddle...