This week, a special treat: NPR Puzzlemaster Will Shortz stops by with a quiz about slang and anagrams.
Quiz Guy John Chaneski has a puzzle about anagrams. This is part of a complete episode.
Quiz Guy John Chaneski has a special inspiration for this week’s puzzle: His wife, author Jennifer Michael Hecht, is one of five judges for the nonfiction category of the National Book Awards. He’s crafted a quiz based on some of the 500...
Quiz Guy Greg Pliska’s word game this week is “Name Dropping.” The answer for each set of clues will be a word that has a common first name hidden somewhere in it; when that name’s removed, the remaining letters spell a new...
Quiz Guy Greg Pliska has a puzzle about heteronyms, words that have the same spelling, but different meanings, like “moped” as in “acted glum” and “moped” as in a motorized bike. This is part of a complete episode.
Quiz Guy Greg Pliska has a word quiz about words and phrases that have two sets of a double letter. Here’s an example with a one-word answer: “The place where you learn ‘the three R’s.'” This is part of a complete...