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imping  n.— «A bird found entangled in fishing line and hanging from a tree is getting some unusual help from University of California-Davis wildlife veterinarians. It’s getting feather implants. While it sounds bizarre, doctors say...


skybuster  n.— «When I hunt public land, I have seemed to run into a lot of “skybusters” who ruin the chance of decoying a duck for all the hunters in that area. How can I get them to quit? Is this a law violation?…For those who...


skybusting  v.— «When I hunt public land, I have seemed to run into a lot of “skybusters” who ruin the chance of decoying a duck for all the hunters in that area. How can I get them to quit? Is this a law violation?…For those who...


Y2Y  n.— «The long-range agenda behind the environmentalist’s effort to move grizzlies into the Selway-Bitterroot ecosystem is a part of a movement to develop a corridor that could link populations of bears all the way from Alaska to the...

rib-eye in the sky

rib-eye in the sky  n.— «You will be excited when you see the number of speckled-belly geese, known as the “rib eye in the sky,” that migrate here, as well.» —“Hunting” Cajun Wildlife Adventures Oct. 4...

tuna laundering

tuna laundering  n.— «Despite international quotas, the appetite for bluefin tuna is so insatiable that in the Mediterranean it is on the verge of extinction, according to the World Wildlife Fund. To curb quota violations and what the...