wild art n.— «Wild art is newspaper jargon for unassigned photographs and is sometimes called “Enterprise Art.”» —“Community News Briefs” Bridgeton News (N.J.) Mar. 1, 2006. (source: Double-Tongued...
unschooling n.— «Lundgren had rejected her Lutheran upbringing but discovered the ideas of John Holt, who began in the ’60s to advocate what has come to be called “unschooling.” The child directs his education, deciding when...
wildcrafter n.— «Some ginseng hunters and dealers, known as wildcrafters or ‘sangers by the mountain people, fret that the diminishing supply may curtail their ancient practice—and perhaps the economic benefits that it brought to many...
sanger n.— «Some ginseng hunters and dealers, known as wildcrafters or ‘sangers by the mountain people, fret that the diminishing supply may curtail their ancient practice—and perhaps the economic benefits that it brought to many...
puck bunny n.— «Coaxed by Swedish hockey fans on Internet chat boards, the Minnesota Wild fanatic followed her favorite player, Manny Fernandez, to the small city of Luleå, Sweden, where he was tending goal during the NHL lockout...
reverse cowgirl n.— «Next, the pair performs an act often referred to in the slang jargon as “reverse cowgirl”, which seems very funny since there is not a horse in sight.» —“Wild on These” by Disco...