oops paint n.— «I’ve had good luck finding the RL line at a discount on the “oops paint” shelves at Home Depot—apparently some folks think they want bright gold or metallic walls and then decide it looks too much like a Wild...
canopy science n.— «In his latest work, “The Wild Trees,” Preston examines what has come to be called “canopy science,” a study which takes as its topic the ecology and biology of the uppermost portion of both...
bondage rigger n.— «They were filming an update for the site Men In Pain. It would feature two players billed as Wild Bill and Claire Adams. Adams, who is 25, gave up on a philosophy degree to become a bondage rigger. (Last year, she tied...
hitterish adj.— «“How many years did you hear that a lefty could never win at Fenway? It’s not true.” In July and August, when the air is conducive to what the late Ned Martin referred to as hitterish weather, the wind blows from...
who laid the rail adv. phr.— «For all those years I have been loaded for bear with lectures of all sorts and sizes on “Who laid the Rail” to “What the Wild Western Waves are Saying.”» —“Tom Arter’s...
button masher n.— «“Button masher” is often a derogatory term for fighting games. This game, however, is a button masher with smarts, and prides itself in being so.» —“God Hand: We return to the Wild West for a little more beat...