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whiskey plate

whiskey plate  n.— «Odds are you’ve seen cars carrying plates bearing the telltale W. Some still wonder what that lone letter designates while others think they know exactly what it means. While those plates are colloquially referred to as...


witchy-poo  n.— «This is not scary, witchy-poo magic. This is whimsical, fun, life-is-a-delicious-treat magic.» —“A very special place” by Jeff Westbrook Whiskey Rebellion Mar. 7, 2007. (source: Double-Tongued...

whiskey plank

whiskey plank n. the board which completes construction of a ship’s or boat’s hull. Editorial Note: By tradition, whiskey is drunk at the completion of the hull of a naval vessel, as indicated in the citations. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

whiskey plank

whiskey plank  n.— «Completion in November of the planking will represent the most important construction milestone for the Pride and will be celebrated by a traditional shipwright’s whiskey plank party.» —“Exterior to Be Added To...

whiskey plank

whiskey plank  n.— «The whiskey plank, as it is called because sailors traditionally have a drink or ten after they finish planking a ship’s hull, was cut to fit by Teddy Huff, who has been working at the shipyard about five months...


 n.— «The platoons of Weapons Company are often referred to as “whiskey.”» —“Sgt. Donal Wyckoff” The Day (New London, Connecticut) July 19, 2006. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)