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See a Man About a Horse, Again

Salut, superfriends! It's another newsletter from A Way with Words. This week's episode was a re-run, one that we particularly liked because it has the famed "dinner vs. supper" call, which is still generating buckets of mail...


zombie  n.— «Investments which last for much longer than the five-year standard nowadays often go one of two ways: either the company is killed off by the weight of its borrowings or it becomes what is known as a “zombie”—a business that...


diabulimia  n.— «During her teens Lisa rebelled against her diabetes and started skipping vital insulin injections to lose weight, a practice now known as “diabulimia.”» —“High Fashion In Dorchester For Diabetes...

frost law

frost law  n.— «The Hillsdale County Road Commission announced seasonal weight and speed restrictions will go into effect on county roads as of Monday morning.…Stan Clingerman, Road Commission engineer manager, said the more commonly...

soft hands

soft hands  n.pl.— «Cabrera will not say how much weight he has lost since last season, but scouts have agreed a third baseman with “soft hands”—baseball parlance for being able to neatly catch the ball—and a strong arm would...


drunkorexia  n.— «Drunkorexia is a made-up term reflecting an alarmingly real trend among young women. The non-medical, slang term refers to women who choose to eat less so they can party hearty without gaining weight.» —“Drunkorexia:...