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Starvation Corner

Starvation Corner  n.— «What Cafeteria III table serves as both a Starvation Corner and a Lonely Hearts Club during third lunch?» —“Teen Scene” by Susanne Shaw, Douglas Johnson Newport Mercury and Weekly...


jibbing  n.— «What else to call those who specialize in “jibbing”—defined in the film as snowboarding anywhere other than on actual snow? That includes riding on handrails in cities and suburban parking lots—places where a fall...

opera hot

opera hot  n.— «He’s also peppered the 2006-’07 season with big names such as Anna Netrebko and Juan Diego Flórez (whom geeks refer to as “opera hot,” or extremely attractive in comparison to the archetypical Wagnerian fat lady with...

Cosby sweater

Cosby sweater  n.— «Both men are wearing garish, multicolored cable-knit sweaters, known in pop culture parlance as “Cosby sweaters”— so named for the famous comedian and his eponymous 1980s sitcom.» —“The Cosby...

blue badger

blue badger  n.— «To create a mass product, Microsoft can’t design products for the “blue badgers,” as Microsofties call themselves (their identity passes are blue).» —“Coming Zune” by Nina Shapiro Seattle...

boo word

boo word  n.— «For Some The Word “Workaholic” Is A Boo Word, For Others It Is A Hurray Word.» —“Beware Of Your Hurricane Harry” by Baden Eunson Business Review Weekly (Australia) Nov. 5, 1983...