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beaver baffler

beaver baffler  n.— «The pipes that Hilliker laid have cages over the inlet-ends to prevent beavers from clogging them. Beavers are tuned to the sound of rushing water and were probably busy Wednesday night rebuilding the dam notches over...

fling a craving

fling a craving  v. phr.— «“Yazoo City done flung a craving on the whole world,” shouted the city’s resident humorist Jerry Clower at a town party Wednesday night.» —“Yazoo ready and waiting” by Kim Eisler Delta...

bragging board

bragging board  n.— «Part of the celebration includes what many refer to as a “bragging board,” which consists of several postcards and notes from various departments throughout the hospital thanking the housekeeping staff for doing such...


rekosher  v.— «Hundreds of Orthodox and Hasidic jews turned out Wednesday to have their pots, pans and silverware dipped in boiling water. It’s a process called “koshering,” which makes the materials rekosher, and is usually...


double-dead  adj.— «As of Wednesday 60 residents have been admitted to the hospital because of dizziness, vomiting, stomach aches and high fevers after eating a “double-dead” carabao sold at the Luna public market...


photodog  n.— «Here’s the weird moment of the week. White House photographers, affectionately called “photodogs,” were called Wednesday to snap pictures of NASA’s Return to Flight space shuttle crew as they visited with the...