A zoo tour guide wants a specific word to describe how elephants procure hydration. This is part of a complete episode.
Davos Man n.— «Political scientist Samuel Huntington who coined the pejorative term “Davos Man” (referring to participants who he viewed as having a false sense of their international identity), famously dismissed the...
lasagna gardening n.— « Three garden designs that have caught my attention lately are island beds, raised beds and lasagna gardens.…Lasagna gardening is a nontraditional organic technique that relies on a layering method called...
schmiddy n.— «I have recently noticed in a number of inner-city watering holes that the traditional “Sydney schooner” (425ml) is being replaced by what some hotels insist on calling a “schmiddy” (340ml), at...
compost tea n.— «The Amstutz compost-humus product is especially helpful to the housewife for potting plants. About 25 percent of the mixture in potting soil should be compost. Making a “compost tea” is also suggested for...