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rust out

rust out  v. phr.— «It was during the 80s, when affluence had become more prevalent, that the foot-stamping began, giving rise to “rust out,” a term used to describe workers who “waste away, unchallenged and...


flimsy  n.— «“About 70 per cent of urban waste is organic matter that needs to be composted for use as manure,” Mr Mahinda says. The rest of the garbage consists of about 10 per cent plastics of which the hard plastics are recycled...


radwaste  n.— «Joseph R. Egan, a nuclear engineer-turned-lawyer who led Nevada’s legal campaign to block a nuclear waste dump at Yucca Mountain, died Wednesday at his home in Naples, Fla. He was 53.…He had arranged for his ashes to...


FWOT  n.— «Anyway, I didn’t go back to her. Or she didn’t come back to me, to be more accurate. Then, gradually, nor did any of the other estate agents. I was officially designated what I think, in estate agent’s parlance, is known as a...


ecoball  n.— «Dangerous toxins are leaching into the soil—perhaps the water supply as well—from piles of rubbish which have littered the area for years. The waste is compacted into what are euphemistically called “ecoballs.”...


desk-traction  n.— «“Desk-tractions”—a term coined by British secretarial recruitment consultancy Office Angels for the workplace distractions that cause workers to lose their focus—cause 33 per cent of employees to waste more than...