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woolly booger fever

woolly booger fever  n.— «On yonder table,” said the Rev. Jack Daniel, “you will find Old No. 7 tonic and blood purifier which exhibits remarkable medicinal properties. I would suggest you pour each of us a tot or two to ward...

windshield time

windshield time  n.— «The Ward County Commission drafted a resolution by a 4-1 vote, with Lee dissenting, in support of the judge coming in to Minot from Stanley. Judge Robert Holte, who currently hears cases in Minot, had been based in...


babysit  v.— «Some airline industry officials said the proliferation of smaller planes is also a result of airlines’ efforts to protect their slots. In a practice known as “baby-sitting” slots, they are scheduling more frequent flights...

barrier nursing

barrier nursing  n.— «In 1943 my mother arrived as the new sister on a children’s ward in a north of England hospital—which had a matron—to find chickenpox was endemic there. She cleared it up by using a technique known as barrier nursing...

upstairs-downstairs house

upstairs-downstairs house  n.— «Before the storm, Delery Street contained block after block of…two-story structures referred to as “upstairs-downstairs houses.”» —“Longing for Home in a Sealed New Orleans...

love-cum-arranged marriage

love-cum-arranged marriage  n.— «Provided your mAmA’s (or any suitable relative’s) ward is an acceptable spouse for you. Slowly make your parents sort-of-choose him/her for you. This is a type of “Love-cum-Arranged marriage”—as...