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Ecuavolley  n.— «There’s also a court where the local game, played fiercely here, is “Ecuavolley,” a version of volleyball with a high net and only three players on each side. Any gringo not used to exercising at this altitude...


Ecuavolley  n.— «Aside from water taps and electricpoles, Ariasucu’s only public infrastructure is a concrete volleyball court. Beginning around three o’clock in the afternoon, men of any age gather to play three-a-side...

stink eye

stink eye  n.— «Chris Marlowe expects to see some “stink eyes” Saturday. The TV volleyball analyst, working NBC’s U.S. championships this weekend, says that piece of beach volleyball lingo—translation: menacing glares—will...

heavy ball

heavy ball  n.— «Patak hits what is known in volleyball parlance as a “heavy ball”—a shot without the usual top spin that is a sensitive blocker’s nightmare. “It’s like a knuckleball with a lot of heat on it,” UH...


libero n. in volleyball, a restricted, roaming back row player. Etymological Note: From Italian adj. libero ‘free,’ a shortened form of battitore libero ‘free beater,’ a similar position in soccer that originated with a Milanese team in the late...


libero  n.— «The International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) has decided to reduce the pressure of balls for the men’s game by a quarter to give defences a better chance. The libero system—where a designated player can be sent in and out of...