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brown-bag  v.— «On the farm, brown-bagging is the practice of selling harvested, government-protected varieties of seed to other farmers for future planting at discount prices. On Wednesday, in an 8-1 victory for the nation’s seed...

tall cotton

tall cotton  n.— «President Bush must be wondering where it all went wrong. After the fall of Saddam, it looked like America had followed up its victory in Afghanistan with another triumph. The president was in tall cotton, as they say in...

victory Monday

victory Monday  n.— «The players call them “Victory Mondays.” Holmgren refers to them as “cookies.” By any name, getting the day off after a game is a good thing. Holmgren gave the players Monday off—in addition to...


five-and-fly  n.— «Normally, a pitcher must work five innings to earn a victory. Pitchers who make a living off five-inning victories are only slightly more respected than convicted felons. “Five and fly,” the saying goes...


vicky  n.— «This was an occasion—metaphorically speaking—for the two-fingered gesture which is known in Glasgow as “flashin’ the Vicky,” as Hearts flaunted the superiority over Rangers they have enjoyed throughout this season...


cupcake  v.— «I don’t care if Dan Grande cupcakes his way to victory; I’m just wishing that he would throw it down against the big dogs once in a while.» —“Kyle Reid 5k” by John Buffalo Runners Forum June 18, 2002...