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vein brother

vein brother  n.—Gloss: a man with whom you get high on injected drugs, especially if you share a needle. «But nothing in their records, or in their daily appearances around the neighborhood, could foretell what became the macabre final...

beeper ball

beeper ball  n.— «Staying in the vein of special needs, four teams of visually impaired baseball players met Saturday for New York’s first ever blind baseball tournament. Unlike traditional versions of our national pastime, beeper ball (or...

leg attack

leg attack n. disease resulting from restricted blood flow, such as that caused by an arterial blockage, in a lower limb; acute peripheral arterial occlusion. Editorial Note: This term is parallel to heart attack. One type of blockage which causes a...

huge bottom spread

huge bottom spread  n.— «The journalistic fraternity has its own way of describing the people, the things or the events in a lighter vein. A tall gracious girl is referred to as a “Banner Head line” and a person’s obesity...

banner headline

banner headline  n.— «The journalistic fraternity has its own way of describing the people, the things or the events in a lighter vein. A tall gracious girl is referred to as a “Banner Head line” and a person’s obesity...