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button farm

button farm  n.— «I hate “button farm’ remotes—like the one Toshiba used for the SD-H400. Terrible design, rows of similar buttons.» —“The PVRBlog Interview: Ten Questions with TiVo’s Director of User Experience, Margret...

durrty durrty

durrty durrty  n.— «I’ve lived in Smiths Alabama all my life [da durrty durrty south…repin dat 334…lolz. » —“User Info” by Laura (trupimpcess) in Smiths, Ala. Blurty.com Oct. 10, 2004. (source:...


bonking  n.— «Unlike our former system, the new system emits a “bonking” tone when a transmission doesn’t go through, so a user can then move to try to establish a better connection.» —“Cooperative...


monster  n.— «As a heroin user, she never tracked how much she injected each day or how much money “the monster,” as she calls her addiction, demanded she raise.» —“Managing her ‘monster’” by Tom...