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carabao English

carabao English  n.— «Whenever you hear a non-native English speaker, a Filipino specifically, uttering broken “carabao” English, or a version you are not used to hearing, please reserve your criticism.» —“World has more...

hanging yellow

hanging yellow  n.— «Not all yellow lights are timed the same. Some tend to be fast and other times you get one of those “hanging yellows” as they are called that seem to stay yellow for a long time.» —“Red light cameras...


nanobialy  n.— «Ultra-miniature bialy-shaped particles—called nanobialys because they resemble tiny versions of the flat, onion-topped rolls popular in New York City—could soon be carrying medicinal compounds through patients’...


thrashing  n.— Note: Perhaps related to the British noun “thrash,” which means “a party.” «Evidence gathered from the social networking site led proctors at the university to collect five times as much money this...

Immersed vs. Submerged

A Michigan woman working a study-abroad program at a large university is bemused by the many applicants who write that they want to study overseas so they can be “submerged in the culture.” She thinks there’s a difference between...

guess question paper

guess question paper  n.— «If you have the money, you can walk into the exam hall with the answersheet, filled and how. The modus operandi is simple—students get hold of the question paper for the next day’s exam, called in campus parlance...