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Washing Machine Charlie

Washing Machine Charlie  n.— «By the time he was 19, McNerney was the platoon sergeant of a mortar unit assigned to HQ Company in the jungles of Saipan, fighting Japanese soldiers and dodging Japanese bombs. One day, in early July 1944...

chase play

chase play  v. phr.— «The unit constantly records up to two hours of TV into a buffer memory, which allows you to pause and rewind live TV, but sadly you can’t retrospectively record programmes from the buffer. You can also start watching...


chop-chop  adj.— «Their monkey business was recently uncovered, they have been caught red handed dipping their dirty fingers in the cookie jar like the P1.3 million auto-clave scam. The machine used to sterilize hospital tools failed to...

marked to make believe

marked to make believe  adj.— «For example, a financial asset traded on multiple exchanges might be considered a Level 1 market. At the other end of the spectrum, “Level 3,” no ready market exists to value assets or liabilities. A...

wet shelter

wet shelter  n.— «He is also the pioneering force behind medical services for the homeless that include a palliative hospice, a special care unit and a management of alcohol program, also known as a “wet shelter.”» —“Six...

Biltmore stick

Biltmore stick  n.— «He wore a backpack with a G.P.S. receiver and carried, in one hand, a data collection unit resembling a portable credit card machine, and in the other, a strip of wood known as a Biltmore stick.…The Biltmore...