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A Single Pair of Jeans

You have a pair of gloves, and there are two of them; you have a pair of shoes, and there are two; a pair of socks, and there’s one for each foot, right? So why do we have a pair of jeans when it’s only one item? This is part of a...

meat diaper

meat diaper  n.— «Grab a Ziploc for the head and a meat diaper for all the juice!» —“It’s true! Maltin gave it three stars!” by Bonnie S. Walling Usenet: rec.arts.tv.mst3k.misc Mar. 8, 1997. (source: Double...

meat diaper

meat diaper n. the absorbent pad packaged between a (styrofoam) tray and meat for sale. Editorial Note: Thanks to Ben Teague for suggesting today’s entry. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


sposie n. a disposable diaper. Etymological Note: Clipping of “disposable.” (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


sposie  n.— «Ask any disposable-addicted mother (“dispis” or “sposies” as we superior mums call them) about her impression of cloth nappies, and you will get some guff about pins, terries and boiling them on the...


sposie  n.— «I probably will do sposies when we go out, but am planning to buy the biodegradable kind…yes, I know they don’t actually biodegrade in the landfill, but I really don’t want my baby exposed to the chemicals in regular...