turkey bacon n.— «The turkey bacon security guard yelled at us.» —“The Mall With Alicia and Julia” by Dwarf Invasion (braindamage) Dance Party (Winterpark, Florida) Oct. 20, 2001. (source: Double-Tongued...
turkey bacon n.— «That young security guard!! Trying to be all bad…especially when he knows he’s just turkey bacon!!» —“I Laugh in the face of security!!!! still laughing” by firegeek Nu Fud Friday Feb. 10...
turkey bacon n.— «A nice security guard stops them, and I stopped calling security guards “Turkey bacon rent-a-cops.”» —“Introducing…Gothmommy” by Eleanor Black Skulls, Pink Ruffles—Goth vs Martha...
turkey bacon n.— «Another word a girl offered was: “turkey bacon,” she explained, “undercover police. ‘Put that away! I think those guys are turkey bacon.'”» —“Slang Dictionary To The Rescue” in...
turkey bacon n. a private security guard or officer; a rent-a-cop. Also plural. Etymological Note: A play off of “pig” and “bacon,” slang terms for police. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)
turkey bacon n.— «My fellow weirdos, you must join me in my quest to expand our language just slightly. From now on, I ask that you now refer to all rent-a-cops as turkey bacon. For those who don’t know, turkey bacon is processed...