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hog-dogging  n.— «Michael Irvin was being Michael Irvin. That is, hog-dogging, charming, leading.» —“Skill, Passion Make Irvin Leader at Dallas” by Bill Connors Tulsa World (Okla.) July 25, 1995. (source:...


hog-dogging  n.— «Richardson’s previous group of outstanding players who inspired this hostility might have responded more to Richardson’s liking than his current players. Oliver Miller and Todd Day, with blatant taunting and hog-dogging...


wizzo  n.— «His “wizzo” weapons system officer, Maj. Billy Wilhite, 36, of Monroe, La., said, “Nobody has ever shot at us before.”» —“Combat beginner says strike awesome” Tulsa Tribune (Okla...

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