mommy makeover n.— «Dr. David A. Stoker, a plastic surgeon in Marina Del Rey, Calif., has a surgical cure for the ravages of motherhood. He, like many plastic surgeons nationwide, calls it a “mommy makeover.” Aimed at mothers, it usually...
quinfecta n. an achievement made up of five major parts. Also quintfecta. Etymological Note: From “quinque” or “quin(t)us” Latin for “five” and “fifth,” plus “perfecta,” a winning horse...
quinfecta n.— «If guessing three winners in three races at the horse track is called a trifecta, what do you call Hillary Clinton’s scheduled near-sweep of the Sunday news shows? We count five separate appearances. Would that be a...
FLOHPA n.— «If Kerry wins Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania—the battleground trifecta being referred to as “FLOHPA”—Bush would need to hold all of his red states and win two Democratic-leaning states.» —“Eight states too...