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pseunonymous  adj.— «Known only by the false name of Mark Brown, he became a “pseunonymous” witness—a phrase coined at the start of the trial. The jury, barristers and the judge all heard his real voice from the witness stand...

fairy dust

fairy dust  n.— «Company employees knew of the false accounting entries and referred to them as “pixie dust” or “fairy dust,” according to the committee’s report.» —“HealthSouth CEO’s trial has local...

pixie dust

pixie dust  n.— «Company employees knew of the false accounting entries and referred to them as “pixie dust” or “fairy dust,” according to the committee’s report.» —“HealthSouth CEO’s trial has local...

throw down

throw down  n.— «Prosecutor John Quarenghi hinted throughout the trial that Zeigler had the dope in the black bag to use as a “throw down”—street language for planting evidence on a suspect.» —“Ex-officer is sentenced in...


kick  v.— «On Aug. 9, Jordan returned from class to find that someone had broken into his locker and stolen about $50 worth of food, cigarettes and personal hygiene items. He had had his locker “kicked”—broken into—before, but...


OG  n.— «He had had his locker “kicked”—broken into—before, but usually managed to retrieve his possessions by appealing to gang members’ OGs, the older “Original Gangsters” who supervise the criminal conduct of...