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PnP  n.— «Antonio Urbina, who is medical director of HIV/AIDS training at St. Vincent Hospital’s HIV center in New York’s Greenwich Village, says he’s seen two patients who have taken HIV drugs before going out for “PnP,” or “party and...


floating  n.— «White said the 25-year-old veterinarian has taken advanced courses in equine dental care, making it possible for the hospital to offer such services as tooth extraction and fillings as well as “floating.” The...


knobology  n.— «Students take readily to the computerized training. Byron Hull, who manages training for the Air Route Traffic Control Centers, refers to the computer savvy of the new recruits as “knobology,” a neologism that describes the...


gangloading  n.— «Yesterday I joined 14 students in the altitude training chamber at the Eighty-ninth Physiological Training Flight at Andrews Air Force Base in Camp Springs, Maryland. Wearing helmets and oxygen masks that covered...


tooting  n.— «As they put it, they were just out “tooting” around. They are 200 British officers visiting Fort Leavenworth for three weeks of training. It’s part of a nine-month course the newly promoted majors are put through...


wogging  n.— «“If you regularly walk about 30 minutes most days of the week, you are ready to start wogging.” Wogging? It’s a silly word that means to combine walking and jogging, though not necessarily at the same time. The...