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suitcase  n.— «I recommend what a trainer once referred to as “suitcases” where you lie flat on your back, lifting your feet slightly off the ground, arms overhead slightly from touching the ground (this should tense up your...

Grumbles motion

Grumbles motion  n.— «They were going to file what’s known as a “Grumbles motion”—asking the court to view the incarceration as punitive.» —“Lawyer blasts government witch hunt for Barry Bonds’ trainer, Greg...


suitcasing  v.— «Suitcasing A traditional method of delivering classroom training to groups of workers at remote locations. All materials required to conduct the training are packaged and either sent or hand-carried to the training...


clen  n.— «Jackie Warner and fellow LA trainer Chad Mouton say more and more women are using the drug clenbuterol, a potentially lifethreatening steroid-like substance, to slim down ridiculously quickly. Legal only for use in horses—it was...


turk  v.— «For fees ranging from dollars to single pennies per task, workers, who cheekily call themselves “turkers,” do tasks that may be rote, like matching a color to a photograph, but they can confound a computer. Conceived...