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SUV of the sky

SUV of the sky  n.— «Small private planes known as “very light jets,” or VLJs, are starting to show up in the sky and on the tarmacs of small local airports.…Displays of the aircraft, called the “SUVs of the...

Bambi Bucket

Bambi Bucket  n.— Note: Appears to be a trade name. «Inter-Island employees…helped firefighters attach to the chopper a 144-gallon Bambi Bucket, which hangs suspended from the aircraft after it lifts off.…D’Attilio hovered over...

pass the trash

pass the trash  v. phr.— Note: A synonym for trade turkeys and dance of the lemons. «The reporting law is an attempt to stop the practice known as “passing the trash,” in which districts let problem teachers quietly move to...


cram-down  n.— «Paulson, run by former Bear Stearns (BSC) investment banker John Paulson, stands to rake in a windfall if the measure passes. The key bill, introduced last month, would allow federal judges to restructure mortgage terms and...

skittles room

skittles room  n.—Gloss: at the venue of a chess tournament, an area or room where players can play informally, either for fun or to hustle each other for money. Note: A commenter remarks that he’s known this term for 40 years, which...

trade turkeys

trade turkeys  v. phr.— Note: “Turkey” is a long-standing slang word for something or someone that performs poorly. A synonym for “trading turkeys” is dance of the lemons. A related term, also mentioned in the article...