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bathroom song

bathroom song  n.— «There are smart and stupid times to visit a public restroom. A stupid time would be at an oldies concert, when someone like Paul McCartney says, “Here’s a song from my new album.” In the concert trade, those...


deguttling  n.— «Video footage (which, for those in offices, could probably be viewed on a site called something like Shouldn’t-you-be-getting-on-with-your-work?dotcom) reveals Tevez rubbing the back of his neck as Terry walks away...


extinction  n.— «But the thing is, as Natasha points out, the language of the slot machine industry belies its ultimate aims. There’s a term bandied about at the trade shows: “extinction.” We need to design for extinction, we...

logbook lending

logbook lending  n.— «Increasing numbers of borrowers with bad credit records are resorting to taking out loans with exorbitantly high interest against the value of their cars, according to debt counselling charities. The practice, known...


DK  v.— «The term “DK” is “Don’t know” in trader parlance. To DK a trade is to deny it ever existed. The credit default issue seems to be spawning a lot of fear about who really owns the hot potato.» —“You...


heel  v.— «Once you have selected your tree, take it home and store or “heel” it, as they say in the trade, in the coldest, darkest place you have, such as on the north side of your house or in a cellar. Keep it there until...