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bottom bitch

bottom bitch  n.— «That winter, Romeo took Lucilia to the track, to bachelor parties, and to clubs—including Club Kalua, which would be the scene of the Sean Bell shooting almost three years later—where she drank to get up her nerve to...


track  n.— «He had sex with her, and the next night took her to the “track” on Rockaway Boulevard, where she turned her first trick.…That winter, Romeo took Lucilia to the track, to bachelor parties, and to clubs.…A week later...

scratch track

scratch track  n.— «I closed the door to my booth and put on my headphones. As the musicians recorded, I was supposed to sing a “scratch track,” one that would not be used but would let the band know when the singing would occur. The real...

memo goods

memo goods  adv. phr.— «Gemprint Corp. has introduced a new inventory software system specifically for diamond dealers who send and receive memo goods on a regular basis. Called the ISi Verification System, the software uses the Gemprint...

pea shake

pea shake  n.— «When multiple claims are made for one horse, the winner is decided by lot, with the clerk of scales and the track’s claiming agent as witnesses. The drawing procedure is called shaking the peas. When a horseman attempts to...

shadow work

shadow work  n.— «Women also shoulder more of what’s called “shadow work,” like keeping track of who needs new shoes and scheduling doctor’s appointments, according to studies.» —“Chore wars” News...