wise persons’ panel n.— «Canada is the only country in the industrialized world without national securities regulation. The current patchwork system is a throwback to the days when financial markets dealt mainly with local companies...
joggle v.— «The world’s two fastest marathon “jogglers”—will face off in an epic battle for a new Guinness World Record at this year’s Boston Marathon on Monday, April 17. Kapral, 33, senior editor at the Toronto office of Westford, Mass...
joggler n.— «The world’s two fastest marathon “jogglers”—will face off in an epic battle for a new Guinness World Record at this year’s Boston Marathon on Monday, April 17. Kapral, 33, senior editor at the Toronto office of Westford, Mass...
busher n.— «“Busher” Jackson got his nickname from trainer Tim Daly. Jackson was hurt and Daly asked him to carry some sticks and Jackson said that he wasn’t there to carry sticks he was in Toronto to play hockey. Daly replied...
dibby-dibby adj.— «He has a guy talking about dibby-dibby girls and in the patois dibby-dibby means nothing—like dibby-dibby money which is worthless. I’ve never heard anyone talk about a dibby-dibby woman. He’s trying very hard but he...
strip n.— «Turning it into a “strip” channel may be its fate. Don’t get excited: That’s not strip as in nubile women. “Strips” is industry argot for reruns of popular shows like Friends, Seinfeld and The...