TagTongued Dictionary


wingery  n.— «One night, arriving or dinner at The Buffalo Wingery, Rob and Nancy ran into Randy and Sue sitting at the bar.» —by Garrison Keillor We Are Still Married: Stories and Letters Mar. 15, 1989. (source: Double...


 n.— «The Wingery buffalo wings.» —“Just wing it Spur-of-the-moment snack idea now hot item in bars, eateries” Winnipeg Free Press (Canada) Dec. 6, 1995. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

marshal lockout

marshal lockout  n.— «The REO Realtors often have to go with marshals to what’s called a “marshal lockout,” where the inhabitants of a house refuse to leave until they’re forced out by armed officers.» —“Foreclosures as...

creeping crud

creeping crud  n.— «Mel Foster offered “Creeping Crud” but it was rejected by the observer as “too mushy.” Then Perry said, “Well, why don’t we just call you…[an obscenity], and everybody laughed...

power pearls

power pearls  n.pl.— «Style setter Nancy Pelosi reinvents the importance of a signature piece, coining the term “power pearls” with her multi-colored South Sea and Tahitian Pearls strand.» —“The Allure of the Pearl for...

Nazi method lab

Nazi method lab  n.— «The amount of “hazardous wastes” from an average Beavis-and-Butthead lab is relatively small. For “Nazi method” labs, such as the ones that are found in the Dakotas, it’s even smaller...

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